Asbjørn Blokkum Flø: Doppelgänger

Artist: Asbjørn Blokkum Flø
When: March 21-30 2014
Where: Bergen Kunsthall
Producers: Bergen Kunsthall and Lydgalleriet in cooperation with Borealis.
Notam: Electronics development: Hans Wilmers. Software development: Hans Wilmers and Asbjørn Blokkum Flø. Production of electronics: Asbjørn Blokkum Flø, Thom Johansen, Henrik Sundt and Hans Wilmers. Published papers: Asbjørn Blokkum Flø and Hans Wilmers.
Supported by: The Norwegian cultural council, the Norwegian Musikkfond and the municipality of Oslo


“Doppelgänger” was created as a site-specific sound installation for Bergen kunsthall’s main exhibition hall. Disorganized, chaotic sound in the café was picked up by microphones, analyzed, transformed and reproduced by mechanical hammers which played on seven large steel plates. The listener was surrounded with a wide range of acoustic metal sounds. It is through these sounds that the installation explores the structures of the social space, and in this shadow version the audience experience a different set of potential insights.

The work with the installation consisted of creating software for analyzing audio and transfer the material to hammers that strikes the steel plate, and to develop electronics for controlling the electromagnets that triggers the mechanical hammers. The research on electromagnets constituted a significant part of the work with the installation.

The mechanics were inspired by piano mechanics and percussion instruments. With this as a starting point, Notam developed methods for analysis and synthesizing the sound of metal plates using physical modeling.

The installation was first shown in Bergen kunsthall during Borealis 2014. The technical work was further developed in form of articles in 2015.