Parallax og Anders Tveit
Det norske fri-improviserende ensemblet Parallax gjorde sammen med Anders Tveit bestillingsverket A Parallax View til Ultimafestivalen i 2015, og tok i november tok de og Jøran Rudi deler av verket ut på turné i USA og Canada, hvor det ble svært godt mottatt.
A Parallax View tar utgangpunkt i rommet og flerkanals liveprosessering i Ambisonics. Underveis i turnéen holdt de mesterklasser og verksteder for komposisjons- og musikkteknologistudenter ved institusjoner i USA og Canada hvor de viste, spilte og fortalte om elementene som ligger bakenfor improvisasjonen, om instrumenteringer, spatialiseringsprosesser og ulike spilleteknikker.
Jøran Rudi innledet konsertene og foreleste om den norske elektroniske musikkens historie og utvikling frem til idag.
Kort musikkeksempel fra konserten i Oberlin
Parallax spilte nylig flere konserter i Vigelandsmausoleet, se event her
Om Parallax på hjemmesiden:
Trumpet and percussion
Guitar and prepared guitar
Drums, percussion and saw
…Rustling, crackling, stealthily winding and melodic…
Parallax has a wide open approach to improvisation, and draw on a broad range of influences in their music – jazz, folk, electroacoustic, minimalism and noise. Through the use of extended techniques and found objects they seek to eliminate the traditional roles of different acoustic instruments, and explore the fringe areas of music. One of their methods is acoustic simulation of electronic sounds, and this focus on role reversal and «sound-as-music» is very important in developing their sonic identity, and an integral part of all their activities.
Rather than belonging to any particular «school» of improvisation, Parallax’ music is a blend of the members’ musical preferences and influences with strong emphasis on interplay and listening. They have forged their own unique take on improvisation that seamlessly draws on an array of influences ranging from Asian folk musics to traditional jazz and abstract soundscapes. The strong focus on interplay gives the music a strong sense of form and direction, and the result is often perceived as being composed. Since forming the group in 2008, they have toured Norway, England, Scotland, France, Spain, Germany, Brazil, Italy, Slovenia, Island, Faroe Islands, Japan, Singapore, Usa, Canada, China and Hong Kong. They have released three albums, “Live In The UK” on FMR,“Krutthuset” on PlingMusic and Den Tredje Dagen on NorCD.
Parallax has collaborated several composers, musicians and artists, and has produced several commissioned works.
Anders Tveit (f.1977) is a composer and musician working with different projects related to both electroacoustic composition and improvisation. Where the use of self-developed software for real-time processing and spatial audio has a central role in the personal musical expression.
As a musician, he has worked with everything ranging from the international renowned Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, Audun Kleive, Shannon Mowday, Parallax, Pd-Conception to more ad-hoc improvisation duos.
He has composed multichannel electro-acoustic music works and sound installations featured and performed at Ultima Contemporary Music Festival, GRM-Paris, NoTaM, ZKM-Karlsruhe, NIME-London, CCRMA-Stanford, KlangFest -Liechenstein, Lydgalleriet-Bergen, Henie Onstad Art Center, Kunstnerenes Hus, University of Greenwich, Oslo Konserthus and more.
Turnéen i USA/Canada:
Onsdag 15.11.2017
New York University, forelesning, verksted og konsert
Fredag 17.11.2017
Princeton University, forelesning, verksted og konsert
Søndag 19.11.2017
University of Cincinnati, forelesning, verksted og konsert
Mandag 20.11.2017
Oberlin College & Conservatory, forelesning, verksted og konsert
Tirsdag 21.11.2017
Western Michigan University, forelesning, verksted og konsert
Torsdag 23.11.2017
Université de Montréal, seminar
Fredag 24.11.2017
Université de Montréal, verksted og konsert