
Dance for adults' Mecca Club</trp-post-container

Welcome to Mekkeklubb every third Monday of the month!

We have a concrete plan, but you don't have to have it. It's just a matter of dragging along things or ideas you can do something with.

There's usually someone there who has a long history of making a mess of things, so if you're stuck, they'll understand. Often they can help too. But it's not a service centre. You have to fix things yourself.

In addition to our expertise, we have coffee, tea, biscuits, tin and soldering irons. And a few boxes of components. You need to bring the rest of what you need, and put something in the jam jar if you take components. Of course, one can also borrow, get or buy parts and tools from each other.

We start at seven o'clock in the morning and keep going until we can't be bothered anymore. Then it's too late to come. Or not at all. It's open and free for everyone, and no registration is required.