Courses and meetups

At Notam, we regularly organise courses for artists, technologists and students in programming, electronics development, sound engineering and other relevant topics. Our aim is to strengthen artists' competences so that they can work with new technologies in an investigative and creative way. In this day and age, familiarity with information flows and the inner workings of digital media is crucial for artists to be able to fulfil their social mission in a good way.

Notam will be a meeting place where people can explore technology, art and music togetherThis means that the environment at and around Notam is a vital part of the institution. Monthly, from September to June, meetups are organised, both online and physically at Notam. In addition, Notam hosts Mekkeklubben - a low-threshold meeting where anyone who is interested can go and tinker with electronics together. Find more information about all Notam's courses and meetups below. 

Whether you're into electronics, programming sound or visual art, or simply interested in seeing how others move at the intersection of technology, art and music, we welcome you as part of our vibrant and exciting community. 

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