Concert "Ledning" - live music with synthesisers

Concert "Ledning" - live music with synthesizers

Friday January 17 2025, a synthesizer concert will take place here at Notam.

"Ledning" is a new concert series organised by WintherStormer at Notam. This concert will be the third in the series. The concert series focuses on synthesizers, and more concerts will be organised throughout the winter and spring of 2025.

Programme - Management - 17.01.2025

Chaotic Morphs - Ambient soundscape from Øivind Olsen created with Serge modular

Julian Sommerfelt - Serving up their own take on techno

Einstöing - Solid Berlin school music with analogue synths and sequencers by Marius Ystad

Tickets for the concert can be found here.

Doors open at 17.00, concert starts at 18.00.

Photo: Einstöing, courtesy of the artist.