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Online SuperCollider meetup

Dato: februar 23, 2022
Tid 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


SuperCollider meetup
Meeting ID: 974 3258 0111
SuperCollider is an open source framework for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition.
It's one of the most popular and widely used programming environments for sound work and is available for free for all platforms – it can even be embedded on micro computers like the Raspberry Pi and Bela.
SuperCollider is useful for many things: Algorithmic composition, generative music, all things computer music, livecode performances, in conjunction with microcontrollers and sensors, for installation work, multi channel work, dsp, research, ambisonics or simply sound hacking.
At these meetups, SuperCollider users of all skill levels get together to share ideas, frustrations, help eachother and show off projects and workflows in an inspiring and friendly way.


The SuperCollider meetups are hosted by Scott Carver (DE/US).

Scott Carver (he/him) is a programmer and sound artist living in Berlin. He has been a user of, and occasional contributor to SuperCollider for the last 15 years. In addition to his own music work, he has collaborated with other artists to realize large-scale sound art and performance works for institutions like Eurokaz, MOMA New York, International Music Institute Darmstadt, and most recently with Dan Bodan at Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin. He has worked as a software engineer on both audio and video products at Adobe, and currently works at Native Instruments.


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