Notam is Norwegian Centre for Technology, Art and Music.
We are a centre for all artists in the independent field who work with art, music and technology. We work along the entire value chain from idea development to the dissemination of finished works. Our activities are divided into the following core areas:
- Help for creative work
- Research and development
- Education and training
- Dissemination

Help for creative work is Notam's main area of expertise. We have expertise in development, electronics, research, sound engineering, music and art. We use this expertise to develop solutions and projects in collaboration with artists. Throughout the year, several hundred artists use Notam's resources.
Research and development is important to contribute to the field and to develop our own expertise. Our business is knowledge-based and we have a responsibility to develop and share knowledge. Notam publishes articles, supervises research fellows and participates in research projects in the university and university college sector.
Education and training is important for strengthening the individual artist and the field as such. Notam trains artists and students in programming, sound engineering and other relevant topics. Our aim is to strengthen artists' creative competences so that they can work in an investigative and creative way with new technologies.
Dissemination of artistic expression in the public sphere is the final and crucial part of Notam's activities. Through concerts and exhibitions, we endeavour to strengthen the breadth of Norwegian and international culture.
Notam rents out offices to artists and start-ups, and together we make up about 12 people who have Notam as their daily workplace. In our collective, for example, the video artist meets one of our international guest artists and in conversation with the physicist, we get one of Notam's strong features; to be an interdisciplinary meeting place for ideas.
Notam is primarily funded by the Arts Council of Norway and the Composers' Fund. For the remodeling of Notam's new premises in 2023-24, we received grants from the Arts Council of Norway (ARENA), Sparebankstiftelsen and Kulturrom. For the project Public Eye Notam has received funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Culture and Art Programme.