
This is a booking request only. The room is not booked until you receive a confirmation from us. If you haven't worked in our studios before, your first booking must be on a weekday between 10:00 and 16:00. You can find our prices here. You pay during your visit. 

  • Booking information
  • About you and your project
  • Latest details

Booking information

Which room would you like to book?

If you need to book a technician to work with you in the studio, the price for this is NOK 380 per hour.

So nice!

To use Notam's studio, you first need an introduction. This happens during your first visit.

If you need equipment (e.g. microphones), please let us know here
Enter your preferred dates and times here.

Booking calendar

Check the booking calendar for the room you want to book before sending a request:

Control room (sound studio)
Recording room
Studio for digital visual media
Spatial Audio studio
Project room

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