About us

Notam is the Norwegian centre for technology, art and music

We are a centre for all artists who work with art, music and technology. We are part of the whole process from idea to execution.

Our main activities are:

  • Help in the creative process
  • Research and development
  • Education
  • Presentation of art

Helping in the creative process is the main area of interest for Notam. Our competences cover programming, physics, research, sound engineering and art. We use these to develop solutions and projects in collaboration with artists. Any artist who wants a key card for Notam can get it. This means Notam is open and operating 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Several hundred artists per year make use of this opportunity. On average, we have artists from more than 20 different countries working here every year.

Research and development is an important part of pushing the boundaries of our field and developing our own expertise. Our institution is based on knowledge and we have a responsibility to develop and share knowledge. Notam publishes articles, advise scholars og partake in research projects in the academic sector.

Education is important to strengthen the individual artists and the collective field as such. Notam teaches artists and students programming, sound engineering and other relevant subjects. We wish to educate artists and increase their competence when making art to help them work in an explorative and creative way using new technologies. These days, knowledge of information flow and the insides of digital media is fundamental for artists.

The last part of our work is to present the finished artistic statements in public through concerts and exhibitions in an attempt to widen the reach and influence of national and international art.

Notam rents out offices and space for artists and newly established companies. Our studio collective is the place where for example the video artist may meet an international guest artist and partake in a discussion with the physicist. This becomes one of the main strengths of Notam: An interdisciplinary exchange of ideas.

Notam is primarily funded by the Arts Council Norway and Komponistenes Vederlagsfond.


Christian Blom
Director (100%)
Contact for inquiries related to collaboration with Notam, commissioned works and projects.

Thom Johansen
Developer, signal processing engineer and operations manager (100%)
+47 401 40 775

Niklas Adam 
Audio engineer,  developer (100%)
Responsible for Notams studios and booking. 


Bjørg Tønnessen
Administration and communication (100%)
Contact for inquiries related to communication and administration.

+47 32 76 60 12

Asbjørn Blokkum Flø
Developer, responsible for Notam’s courses in Max and workshops for advanced users (50%)

Henrik Sundt
Developer and signal processing engineer (20%)


  • Stine Sørlie, Chairperson
  • Kristin Bergaust, deputy Chairperson 
  • Magnus Bugge, member
  • Yngvar Kjus, member
  • Ina Hagen, member
  • Thom Johansen, employee’s representative, member

Deputy members

  • Mariam Gviniashvili, 1. alternate
  • Jenny Berger Myhre, 2. alternate

All annual reports for Notam can be found here.


Our logo is available in vector file format (svg) from the following links:

