Technical mondays spring 2016

This semester offers several of the super popular Technical mondays at Notam approx. every third week.

Dans for voksne (Dance for adults) has no particular plan for things to assemble this autumn, but it might come up. Otherwise, you may bring anything you want to work on.

The wise tinkering man, mr Øyvind Mellbye are there to help so that if you get stuck, you at least are not alone! Øyvind Mellbye has screwed up a lot of things before. He knows which end of the soldering iron to hold and many, many other useful things, and is a straight through cracking nice guy who is not dangerous to ask. But he is not engaged in a service workshop, ie., Are you going to fix something, you must do the job yourself.

In addition to the expertise we have coffee that is not very stale, tea, captain biscuits, tin, soldering iron and ingredients for the evening’s menu. Bring otherwise with you, what you need for own fixing, and put NOK on a jar to pay the parts you need. Usually a fifty or hundred bill. Also, one can of course borrow, make or buy parts and tools together.

We start at seven! and keep on until we are tired. Then it is too late to show up. Otherwise not. It is open and free to all and no registration is needed.

This autumn the dates are as follows:


Notams premises are in Myrabakken, on the western side of the river. Follow the path south from Bentsebrua or north from Vøyenbrua. The entrance is located inside building F3. No sign, but a dorbell. Map here. Every day from 19.00 o’clock. Free and open to all.