DSP02 is a composition and audio processing software for children that can be used on all computers.


DSP02 features a mixer where sounds are put together, and various small programs for sound editing and audio processing. These programs are opened in the mixer window, pictured below. The program is uploaded on a website which includes user guides, tutorials, music examples and assignments for use in classrooms and workshops.

Illustration: DSP02 screenshot

How is the program useful?

The program provides an easy way to compose electronic music on a basic level, through editing and processing of recorded or synthesized sound. The program is based on a model for nonlinear, pupil-oriented learning, where the users through their own creative activity can define problems which they collaborate with each other and/or workshop supervisors in solving. In this program, the users’ creativity is seen as more important than recreation using fixed rules from traditional composition.

DSP02 is easy to use, and no prior knowledge in music or computer skills are required. The program’s target group are school children from 5th to 10th grade.

How does the program work?

Programmet works with both audio files and algorithmic representations of sound. The audio files are displayed as graphical figures on the screen.


DSP02 is designed by Jøran Rudi, programmed by Øyvind Hammer, og migrated to a new GUI by Arne Morken, Vegard Sandvold and Kjetil Matheussen. A complete list of contributors can be found here.


The program uses Jsyn from Softsynth.