LIVE Max Meetup at Notam
Online Max Meeting ID: 961 8668 2482 Link: The Max Meetup is an online meetup for anyone interested in programming using Max. It is an informal meeting of Max...
Dans for voksnes Mekkeklubb
Velkommen til mandagsmekkedager ca hver tredje uke. Vi har en konkret plan, men du trenger ikke ha en! Bare å drasse med seg ting eller idéer man kan gjøre no...
EAU – Christmas concert at Notam
On 18 December 2024, EAU (Electric Audio Unit) invites you to an intimate concert in Notam's project room. Programme Pink Asbestos (aka Victoria Johnson & Natasha Barrett) Improvisation Violin, live...
Online SuperCollider Meetup
SuperCollider Meetup: Meeting ID: 974 3258 0111 Link: SuperCollider is an open source framework for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It’s one of the most popular and widely used...