Max for Live
Max for Live is one the most exciting program packages in a long time. Max for Live combines the programs Max/MSP and Ableton Live. This spring, NOTAM in collaboration with Norwegian Academy of Music is organizing a course which will be taught over five evenings from March 22 until May 3 (with a two-week break during the Easter holiday). The location will be the Norwegian Academy of Music, but the course is open to everyone who have the required background knowledge.
Ableton Live is a loop-based software. Contrary to most other music sequensers on the market, Live is designet to be used an instrument for live performance as much as being a tool for composing and arranging music. Max/MSP, on the other hand, is a complex tool bordering between music software and a programming environment.
The combination of these two approaches yields flexible alternatives both to simple experimental DIY plugins and complex solutions with custom designed hardware or won methods of composition. This course is useful to all musicians, composers or sound designers who wish to broaden their repertoire or make their work flow more efficient.
The course is held by composer/sound designer Sven Erga, who among other places does sound design at the National Theater and Mobile Homes.
- Prerequisites: Must have a good, basic understanding of Max/MSP and Ableton Live
- Participant: 14
- Duration: 5 days
- Date: Thursdays in week numbers 12, 13, 16, 17 and 18, from 5 till 9 p.m.
- Lærere:
- Fee: NOK 2000
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