Musical meeting at Nesodden
Artist of the month at Nesoddparken Kunst- og Kulturnæringssenter is Elisabeth Engebretsen, textile artist and Ida Helene Heidel, composer and musician. On Sunday, December 2, the exhibition opening, a concert and the inauguration of two sound installations will take place, spiced with poetry readings and an unorthodox twist on spiritual guidance. Caveat emptor…
14.15 Opening of the exhibition in the cafe by Elisabeth Engebretsen and Ida Helene Heidel. The exhibition is supported by the Norwegian Composers’ Union.
14.20 SOUND SHOWER OPENING. Inauguration/premiere of Wall Whispers.
The sound shower will feature as a permanent installation at Nesoddparken. Audience one by one. The work featured in the sound shower is part of a larger project – Wall Talk. The work bases itself on sounds and interviews of artists (residents) at Nesoddparken. The project has won the Ruth Anderson prize and will go on to be shown in the US. This is a ‘sneak preview’.
14.30 Concert – 1st ACT. Park Ensemblet.
- Thrive for ensemble and the poets Philo Ikonya, Kenya (former ICORN author Norsk PEN) and Helmuth Niederle (Germany)
- Inside the bottle for 5 musicians and tape
- John for 5 musicians
- Invisible moments for ensemble, tape and fragmented poet Hilde Susan Jaegtnes
15.15 Åpning av KRYP, en lyd- og glassinstallasjon in collaboration with glass artist Ina Krisitne Hove. Featuring specially writte poem KRYP palyed and read by Hilde Susan Jaegtnes during the opening.
16:00 Concert part 2 with Park Ensemblet.
- Turpis for 4 musicians – graphic notation is displayed in the exhibition
- Interaction for ensemble, 4 fragmented poets and tape
- Hatten av for ensemble, 4 poets and sound designer
Cafe, open workshops and untraditional xmas market the whole afternoon
Ends approx. 17.30
All electronic sound is co-produced at NOTAM
All works are premieres of works by Ida Helene Heidel.
Park Ensemblet:
U Aldridge Hansberry, percussion, flute
Anders Kregnes Hansen, percussion
Jean Bordé, double bass
Ida Helene Heidel, flute, vocals
Ina Kristine Hove, glass live
Anne Mali Sæther, stunts and pranks
Hilde Susan Jaegtnes text, vocals, flute, xylophone
Philo Ikonya, text, vocals
Simon Dancaster text, vocals
Helmuth A. Niederle text, vocals
Cato Langnes, sound design and documentation
Jonas Moen, video documentation
Henrik Sundt, technological support sound shower
The concert is supported by NOTAM.