Oslo Open 2017
Registration for Oslo Open 2017 is opened. Also, the deadline is already on December 1st! Next year, the big open atelier-weekend is on the 22.-23. of April.
NEW: Studios on the western side of the river will be open on Saturday and those east on Sunday. This is because many artist have professional, and also friendly reasons for visiting each other during the event, and the thought is to facilitate this.
This year it is a requirement for candidates to have a membership in an artist organization. If you are a master student or for other reasons is not a member of an artist organization, explain this in your registration, which will then be assessed by a jury.
And if there should be any doubt: by enrolling at Oslo Open you undertake to be present at the specified atelier address from 12 to 6pm on the actual date.
Remember to tick on the registration form if you are interested in visits from the international visitors program, portfolio view or guided tour. If you do not tick in the right place you will not be considered by the jury to participate in the portfolio view.
Notam is a member of Oslo Opens reference group!
Marianne Zamecznik is project manager and Marthe Elise Stramrud is project coordinator for Oslo Open in 2017, and they have shared this information with us.
Photo: Linda Lerseth’s studio. Oslo Open, Ensjø, 2016. Photographer: Audar Kantun