Online course in Max/MSP

Programming, synthesis and signal processing in Max/MSP is an Internet-based course produced by NOTAM in 2009–2010. In the fall of 2016, it starts running for the seventh time, lasting half a year.

The aim of this course is to provide a thorough review of the software, so that the participants after the course participation can produce their own solutions in Max/MSP.

The course is aimed at those with normal basic knowledge in music.

This course provides basic training in programming in Max/MSP, as well as an understanding of digital sound modelling. The participants will achieve an understanding of working with sound and interaction design, and this will be useful for people who work with sound, composition, visual arts, interaction design, and video.

The tool used in the course will be Max/MSP from Cycling ’74. The course’s primary focus is the technical mastery of this tool.

Jitter is a supplement that provides the opportunity to work with graphics and video work. We will not review the Jitter in this course, but the course will provide enough necessary knowledge in Max for later use of Jitter.

The course consists mainly of a series of exercises to be submitted. The exercises will provide both a technical and a theoretical study. The technical solutions covers various fields, including signal processing, synthesis, algorithms and user interface.

Participants should expect to spend a hundred hours working with the course. The reason for the large amount of work is that the program has such a high degree of complexity that a simple review will only scratch the surface.

Participants are recommended to progress at a rate of their own choice within a timeframe of 10 weeks. All necessary materials are available for download online. The course’s supervisor will be available for questions, answers and comments. Course assignments must be submitted electronically via email, and will be evaluated and commented on an ongoing basis.

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