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Online meetup for artists in technology

The music community is male dominated and the same goes for the art and technology community. NOTAM aims to be more inclusive to anyone who works with art and technology…

Omni Anima

Samisk senter for samtidskunst, Sámi Dáiddaguovddáš 2/9 – 22/10 Live performance lørdag 2. September. Installasjonen står frem til 22. oktober. Torgeir Vassvik er utøver og komponist av verkets lyddel, mens billedkunstner…

11/18: Musical robots

Asbjørn Blokkum Flø, Hans Wilmers og Koka Nikoladze presenterte 18/11 egne arbeider med datastyrte akustiske lydobjekter på Notam.  Seminaret var lærerikt, variert og morsomt; spesielt for alle med interesse for…

Residency med Olivia Block

Foto: Andrea Bauer Den amerikanske, Chicago-baserte komponisten og lydkunstneren Olivia Block kommer til Notam 14. juni for å arbeide i to uker med nye komposisjoner for omsluttende lyd. Hun er…

Collective brainstorming+ISS

Koka Nikoladze is an intern at Notam in 2014-15, and will be working both with artistic projects and with developing compositional tools for computers, smart phones and tablets – a “Swiss army knife for…

Pictures from new premises

Notam moved into new premises at Sagene on May 21, and after six week of unpacking, building and installing, we are beginning to see the end of a moving project…

Within the Toll

Two new works by multimedia artist Camille Norment will be presented at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter September 2011. The Toll will be a unique performance presented as part of the Ultima…